To make good presentations user have to take many things into considerations like the slides , background color , text and size etc.
1. Minimize the number of slides.
To maintain a clear message and to keep your audience attentive and interested, keep the number of slides in your presentation to a minimum.
2. Choose the right font style and size
Choose the font size and style that the audience can read from a distance.
Choosing the right font style, such as Helvetica or Arial, helps to get your message across. Avoid narrow fonts, such as Arial Narrow, and avoid fonts that include fancy edges, such as Times.
Use decorative fonts only for slide headers, and then only if they’re easy to read.
Choosing the right font size helps to get your message across.
The following measurements indicate the size of a font on computer screen, not projected on a screen for your audience in full screen mode. To enable full screen mode, on the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click Slide Show.
- A one-inch letter is readable from 10 feet.
- A two-inch letter is readable from 20 feet.
- A three-inch letter is readable from 30 feet.
3. Background of Slides :
Use high contrast between background color and text color.
There are preset themes available in PowerPoint that automatically set the contrast between a light background with dark colored text or dark background with light colored text.
User can create many different custom themes from the core built-in themes. The customization for theme colors and theme fonts is next to the Themes gallery.
4. Check the spelling and grammar.
To earn and maintain the respect of audience, always check the spelling and grammar in the presentation.
Turn on or off spelling check
- Click the Microsoft Office Button
- At the bottom of the menu, click PowerPoint Options.
- On the PowerPoint Options menu that appears, click Proofing.
- Under When correcting spelling in PowerPoint, select or clear the Check spelling as you type, or Use contextual spelling, or Hide spelling errors check box.
Check spelling
- Open a presentation that needs to be checked.
- On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click Spelling.
- The Spelling dialog box appears, and the first suggested correction is highlighted.
- Use the following buttons to check your spelling
5. Use informative graphics.
Graphics are what make a really engaging PowerPoint presentation. These can provide the audience with a new way of looking and understandable way what presenter are trying to tell them.
They can provide information which may be difficult for user to convey in words, such as charts and graphs.
6. No paragraphs.
Where most presentations fail is that their authors, convinced they are producing some kind of stand-alone document, put everything they want to say onto their slides, in great big chunky blocks of text.
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1. Verify that the projector's resolution is the same as the computer on which presentation is created.
2. Disk failures, software version mismatches, lack of disk space, low memory, and many other factors can ruin a presentation.If the computer that user plan to give presentation on does not belong to them, make sure that the other arranged computer has adequate disk space so that you don't have to present from a CD.
3. Making sure that all the appropriate files and versions of software that needed, including Microsoft Office PowerPoint are there on the computer .
4. Check all colors on a projection screen before giving the actual presentation.
5. Prepare a set of some printed copies of the presentation to be distributed to the audience . This gives more clarification to the audience.
6. Making sure to get formally dressed attire . This gives a good and professional impression on the audience .
Do this repeatedly alone.
Reading speech and watching the presentation many times gives confidence .This needs to be so familiar to know what slide is next; what to say about each one .
Practice voice modulation , posture , speech , tone etc . Voice must be high enough to reach the audience at the back .
1. Show up early and verify that your equipment works properly.
2. Introduce yourself and the presentation and give handouts to the audience .
3. To be an effective presenter presenter needs to be : flexible, energetic and enthusiastic. Be confident , and avoid showing signs of nervousness.
3. Make an eye contact with the audience and do not read the presentation. Explain all the points without engaging on screen .
4.Answer queries of the audience .
- Questions are an excellent indicator that people are engaged by subject matter and presentation skills.
- Saving questions until the end of the presentation, and delivering an uninterrupted presentation is better.
- Early questions are often answered by ensuing slides and commentary.
- Admit if you don’t know about a question asked, and say you will get back to them.
5. Exit the stage and thank everyone for their attention.